
1 Man 2 Hands™

Adamant Labor for the DIY’er who just need a little help.

Need help with a task?

Let’s talk about me helping you out with your next project.


If you know what you want to do, and when you need it done; tell me when, where and description of your project (give me at least 48 hours to a weeks notice), and let me handle the rest. I specialize in home and office ready-to-assemble furniture assembly as well as loading or unloading moving and storage help. I may be available same day or last minute. Alway plan in advance for guaranteed availability. Just text (via WhatsApp) or give me a call (toll-free).


I also can provide a crew of professionals catered to your needs who, too, are Quick, Fast, Reliable and make Safety their first priority.

Sorry, I do not accept cash, checks, or money orders. I am “Chase QuickPay® with Zelle® and PayPal®” Verified for a bilateral contract agreement and convenience.

I am extremely wary of distant buyers responding to my ad! I have received replies from scammers hoping to defraud me through schemes involving (counterfeit) cash, cashier's checks and/or wire transfers. Fake cashier's checks, etc, often clear funds, but banks hold 1 Man 2 Hands™ responsible for these transactions when the fraud is discovered.



My Rate

Schedule a single professional labor technician @ $75 per hour with 2 hours upfront minimum payment.

Schedule Service Here
Name / Phone / Service date
Address for service request